Ladies generally like to carry or wear stylish handbags and purses every time they go out. However, they still need a sling bag especially if they want to show off their girlish style. Actually, slings bags can be a great alternative to handbags and purses, so to all ladies out who want to show off their feminine side this list of top 10 best slings bags is for you.
10. NeatPack Versatile Canvas Sling BagThis functional and trendy sling bag that features an ergonomic design is perfect for college students, mothers, and even professionals. Moreover, it has a padded strap and it is breathable and comfortable as well as suitable for all body types. |
9. Pacsafe Metrosafe LS150 Anti-Theft Sling BagThis bag is embedded with an eXomesh Slashguard a flexible and lightweight stainless steel wire that is capable of protecting your stuff from being stolen. Nonetheless, it has a common design but when it comes to functionality it is one of the best. |
8. KAVU Women Paxton Pack BackpackThis beautiful and stylish sling bag features a convenient water bottle holder and different pocket placements. It also comes with a lengthened shoulder strap that’s why you don’t need to worry about the comfort. |
7. Mato Sling Bag BackpackA handmade sling bag that is very easy to carry has a distinctive Aztec tribal boho patterns. Furthermore, the Mato sling bag has enough space for all your things, this includes one front porch, two side pockets and the main compartment that will carry your everyday needs. |
6. OutdoorMaster Sling BagThis spacious sling bag is perfect for all women who love reading books because it is capable of carrying many books. It also offers a great flexibility and comfort since it is equipped with soft padded single shoulder strap. Nevertheless, the OutdoorMaster sling bag is available in different colors. |
5. Meru Sling Backpack BagThe Meru sling bag gives a nice combination of storage capacity, fashion, as well as comfort. With this useful and stylish sling bag, you will feel comfortable all the time even though you’re riding a shuttle, roaming around the town, hiking, or biking. |
4. Timbuk2 Delta SlingAre you looking for a sling bag that is perfect to bring while you’re traveling? The Timbuk2 Delta sling is perfect for you. In fact, this can carry a lunch box, phone, wallet, and small camera and can be worn as a sling or waist pack. |
3. KAVU Rope BagMake your everyday travel perfect with this spring hodgepodge rope bag from KAVU. This affordable and stylish bag is a great alternative to a handbag. It comes in different patterns and colors that will surely let you express your freedom. |
2. Waterfly Sling Chest BackpacksIt is a durable, tear resistant, and waterproof sling bag that is perfect for everyday use. This bag from Waterfly is equipped with four small pockets and the main pouch is large enough to carry your important things. |
1. Slope Sling BackpackThis sling bag is created for all genders, ages, and lifestyles. Actually, the Slope sling bag is perfect to carry school books, sports equipment, or baby gear. It is equipped with a hidden small interior pocket for any small thing or makeup, one large external pocket for your phone and two large internal zippered storage pockets. |